Επιλογή Γλώσσας
Pegasus Astro

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IC 2162 Complex Nebula

The ic 2162 is a Complex of reflection, emission and dark nebulae with dominant SH2 254,255,256,257 & 258. The nebula in the constellation Orion the border with the constellation of the twins.


Mauna Keratea Obs, Winder 2015-2016


Toscano 10" Truss RC f/9 Astrograph with AP CCD67 Τelecompresor at f6.4

EQ Mount

Celestron CGE Pro


QHY9 CCD, Temp -25 C


TS 65Q , QHY5L II, PHD Guide

Filters - Exposures

Ha 25x900 sec bin 2x, RG B 18x300 bin 2x

Total exposur time

13 ~ hours


Nebulosity 3, Maxim DL, Pixinshight, Photoshop CS6.


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