Επιλογή Γλώσσας
Pegasus Astro

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IC 1396 Elephant's Trunk Nebula

Elephant Trunk or IC 1396 is a Diffuse Nebula and Open cluster in the Constellation Cepheus.The distance from Earth is about 2,400 light years away.

Location / Exposure dates

Mauna Keratea Obs, July 2012


GSO RC 10" Astrograph, AP CCDT67 FR f 5,3


Celestron CGE Pro EQ Mount


QHY9 KAF 8300 mono CCD, Temp -25 C


TS 65 APO, QHY5, PHD Guide

Filters / Sub Exposures

Hα 42x900 sec bin 1x, Sii 18x900 sec bin 2x, Oiii 18x900 bin 2x

Total Exposure Time

20 ~ Hours


Nebulosity 3, Maxim DL, Pixinshight, Photoshop CS5.


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