Επιλογή Γλώσσας
Pegasus Astro

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Orion Molecular Cloud

The Orion Nebula M42 (right) is actually part of a much larger nebula that is known as Cluster Orion Molecular Cloud and extends throughout the constellation, including the Barnard's Loop, Horse Head Nebula (left) and the Flame Nebula. Astrogenesis observed in the entire area of Orion Nebula.

Location Exposure Dates

Mauna Keratea Obs (Ha) & Mt Parnon RGB - November - December 2013


Jupiter 200mm f4


Ioptron IEQ45 EQ Mount & Celestron Cge Pro


QHY9 CCD, Temp -25 C


TS 200mm Finder, QHYII5L, PHD Guide

Filters / Exposures

L 35x600 sec bin 1x, Ha 35x900 sec bin 1x, RGB  9x600 (Per eatch filter) bin 1x ,

12χ30 sec LRGB

Total Exposure time

19,5 ~ hours


Nebulosity 3, Deep Sky Stacker, Maxim DL, Pixinshight, Photoshop CS6.


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